The Video That Changed My Life

It’s been way too long since I posted. This video has been on my mind lately and I felt impressed to share it. I will preface this by saying that at the time I saw this video, I was already beginning to explore my own beliefs. Not so much questioning the LDS church at that point, but trying to find the foundation for my own beliefs and not lean on the testimony of others and “what the church says”. After my ex-husband moved out in January 2014, my house suddenly went from a busy and often noisy place to being so quiet on the weekends that my daughter was with him that the only sound in the house was the refrigerator ice maker. It was during those quiet weekends that I really had a chance to spend time with my thoughts and get back in touch with myself after years of being in an extremely stressful marriage. I had lost myself taking care of others, and God gave me this quiet time to take care of Heather. It wasn’t easy at first and the loneliness really got to me at first but I learned to accept it as a blessing and take advantage of the time.

I can’t even remember which of my Facebook friends posted this video. In my active LDS days, I never would’ve even clicked the link based on the title alone. However, I have learned that sometimes we judge things before we even know the content…the proverbial “don’t judge a book by its cover”. I was intrigued, so I checked it out. What is said here is not anti-LDS, it is simply pro-Jesus. I used to be of the mindset that if someone outside of the church questions religion they are against God but this video opened my eyes to the fact that is not the case at all. A part of my mind was unlocked that day…and I am forever grateful to whoever shared this. It literally changed my perspective on faith. I’ll try to explain in future posts how exactly this affected my thinking and break down some of the teachings that are in his message, but for now I just hope you’ll take the time to watch this. I am not here to bash on anyone’s beliefs but to help people come closer to God and find their own relationship. I pray that this will be received in that spirit.